I am delighted to share this conversation with Roshi Eve Myonen Marko about The Book of Householder Koans: Waking Up in the Land of Attachments, which she co-wrote with Roshi Wendy Egyoku Nakao. It was released in 2020 but I'm sure glad I finally found it! It's become one of my new favorite books and a real treasure as a practice tool. Roshi Eve Marko is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order, with her late husband, the renowned Roshi Bernie Glassman. She is also the resident teacher at the Green River Zen Center in Massachusetts. Roshi has trained spiritually-based social activists and peacemakers in the US, Europe, and the Middle East, and has been a Spiritholder at retreats bearing witness to genocide at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rwanda, and the Black Hills in South Dakota. Before that she worked at the Greyston Mandala, which provides housing, child care, jobs, and AIDS-related medical services in Yonkers, New York. Koans have always been a favorite practice of mine but I
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz by Gelissen, Rena at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 0297818058 - ISBN 13: 9780297818052 - Weidenfeld & Nicolson - 1996 - Hardcover
If I had to guess the number of times I interviewed Paula Green for this newspaper, I’d surely come up short.That’s because Green, the Leverett therapist-turned-peacemaker who died Feb. 21, always seemed to be at the intersection of what was happening.
Paula Green’s passing last week was a deep loss. Just when we need more conflict resolution and deep listening in the world, Paula is asking us to carry on without her. Perhaps we can see this not as a time for grief but as an opening for memories of.
If I had to guess the number of times I interviewed Paula Green for this newspaper, I’d surely come up short.That’s because Green, the Leverett therapist-turned-peacemaker who died Feb. 21, always seemed to be at the intersection of what was happening.