Hour the hearing is still going on behind me, but already there have been several fiery moments, including some from senator sherrod brown, the ranking democrat on the committee. In his opening statement, he compared facebook to a toddler playing with matches and said that it would be delusional for anyone to trust facebook with their finances, when the company has already broken so many promises on privacy. He then tried to get david marcus, a facebook executive whos testifying to make his own promise, and that is to receive his salary in libra. Senator, if your question is whether i would trust all of my assets in libra, the answer is yes. Do you trust this enough to make your compensation paid fully in your currency senator, i would, because it is backed one for one with a reserve. You could have said yes at the beginning of the question, then senator, with respect, i wanted to clarify that were not trying to compete with Bank Deposits he has said that statement repeatedly, that fac