The positivity rate rose to 11.28 per cent during the week ending on April 4 compared to 9.69pc between March 22 and March 28. AFP
ISLAMABAD: While 714 more people were found infected in the federal capital, the positivity rate rose to 11.28 per cent during the week ending on April 4 compared to 9.69pc between March 22 and March 28.
District Health Officer Dr Zeem Zia said there has been a continuous increase in the weekly positivity rate for the last 10 weeks.
According to a graph, in the first week of February the positivity rate was just 1.57pc but then it gradually started increasing and reached 4.1pc in the first week of March. In the second week of the month, it was 5.03pc and the following week it jumped to 8.71pc. Last week, it further increased to 11.28pc.