The SAT also asked Goenka to cooperate with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in the investigation. The tribunal said in the event any material comes out against Goenka during the course of investigation then SEBI can adopt appropriate procedures in accordance with law.
The Bombay High Court has refused relief to actor-producer Vivek Oberoi seeking to stall the release of Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer ‘Haddi.’ The movie will hit OTT screens on Thursday.Justice Manish.
While refusing to give any interim relief to Punit Goenka, chief executive officer (CEO) of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL), against an order issued by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the securities appellate tribunal (SAT) says the market regulator cannot keep going on its investigation in the ZEEL matter.
While promising to complete its investigation into Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEEL), market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) barred Subhash Chandra and his son Punit Goenka, founder and promoters of the ZEE group, from holding any directorship or key managerial positions in four group companies.
SEBI said it will complete the investigation in the matter in a time-bound manner and in any event, ‘within a period of 8 months from the date of this order’.