Independent development economist Prosper Chitambara said President Emmerson Mnangagwa is under pressure to leave a legacy for himself as he is set to begin his.
Two million registered voters did not vote out of the approximately 6,6 million eligible to participate in the recent harmonised elections, with political analy.
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has deleted last week s Presidential election results from its website.Its Excel spreadsheet has also been removed from .
fear . zimbabwe s leader has dismissed the criticism, and insists the elections were fair. we spoke earlier to zanu pf spokesperson, farai marapira who rejects claims that zimbabwe s election was unfair. well, these matters are legal matters. at zanu pf, our tallies have shown they re in tandem with the results that have been given by zec. so we do not have a problem with the numbers that zec has given out. but if the ccc has got any problem, then their legal challenge that is over with the courts. if they have got any problems with the results that have come out, we advise that they go to the courts and they seek redress. at zanu pf, we are not zec. i think maybe we need to make that clear. zec faced a lot of challenges which we understand. and allow me to say this, all these challenges that were happening at polling stations, they were also affecting our voters at zanu pf.
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) yesterday said it remained firm and focused on its work and reports on social media that it had been captured are false,.