they are the close minded type of people who will say stop talking about it. besides al gore and leo dicaprio with their private jets, i am the environmental radicals worst nightmare. i m an suv driving occasional cigarette smoker. the only time i go green is on st. patrick s day. to be quite honest with you. forgive me if i worry more about world war iii exploding or some religious zealot shooting at penn station or god forbid blowing it up. greg: there are other priorities. by the way, this is lazy due to activism. it s it s a day, all, it earth day. what do you do! what do you do? do you smoke some weed, i guess? greg: that doesn t sound like a bad idea. i mean, you can do that every day! there are people who do that every day. the grateful dead. they have earth day every day. greg: its feel-good activism. it is. they are not against droughts in sudan or floods in india or anything like that, but we are
besides al gore and leo dicaprio with their private jets, i am the environmental radical s worst nightmare. i m an suv driving occasional cigarette smoker. the only time i go green is on st. patrick s day. to be quite honest with you. forgive me if i worry more about world war iii exploding or some religious zealot shooting at penn station or god forbid blowing it up. greg: there are other priorities. by the way, this is a lazy dude activism. it s it s a day, all, it earth day. what do you do! what do you do? do you smoke some weed, i guess? greg: that doesn t sound like a bad idea. i mean, you can do that everyan day! there are people who do that every day. the grateful dead. they have earth day every day. greg: it s feel-good activism. it is. they are not against droughts in sudan or floods in india orug anything like that, but we are