the best information we had is still from yesterday when a doctor manage to get out of the town. he said that two doctors had been killed, two clinics had been closed down by the military. and the pictures that we ve seen on state television today, from the outskirts of zawiyah, show gadhafi supporters. this is an image that apparently is supposed to convey the fact that the government now has control in zawiyah. but we can see from these pictures these gadhafi sue porters are knotts in the center of the city where the rebels are. they re on the outskirts of the city. just over the last few hours the government here has told us that they will take zawiyah, to see the situation for ourself. we actually left the hotel and started heading there. they turned us around and brought us back. apparently the oil minister is due to give a brief soon about the situation in ras lanuf. now we re being told there will be another trip, even though it s the middle of the night, to take us back to zawi