of a tumbling or yawing. if they reexamine governor connelly s clothes, what would you be able to prove? the punchout holes in the shirt and the coat leading into that back industry wound, they re all completely consistent, typical of a pristine bullet. photos and x rays proved to orr the governor s wrist injury was actually from a third shot through the head, not from the magic bullet. when i saw the picture from the zapruda film, i drew a line from the governor s strong confirmation to orr, the wrist wound was caused by a tumbling missile. it s a perfect shot almost dead center to the back of the head, far beyond oswald s capability. it came from a different shooter from a different building. it exited above the year and o
theory was born. we compared john orr s analysis to our own animation, based on the enhanced version of the zapruda film. this is the second shot at z 236. and we have used the actual zapruda frame, it exactly matches the positions of the bodies. this is not a restructuring photograph in order to make sinmake they moved connelly over to his left. to get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on, missing john connelly and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald in his window in the sixth floor, was at all times to the right rear
theory was born. we compared john orr s analysis to our own animation, based on the enhanced version of the zapruda film. this is the second shot at z 236. and we have used the actual zapruda frame, it exactly matches the positions of the bodies. this is not a restructuring photograph in order to make sinmake they moved connelly over to his left. to get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on, missing john connelly and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald in his window in the sixth floor, was at all times to the right rear
theory was born. we compared john orr s analysis to our own animation, based on the enhanced version of the zapruda film. this is the second shot at z 236. and we have used the actual zapruda frame, it exactly matches the positions of the bodies. this is not a restructuring photograph in order to make sinmake they moved connelly over to his left. to get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on, missing john connelly and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald in his window in the sixth floor, was at all times to the right rear
theory was born. we compared john orr s analysis to our own animation, based on the enhanced version of the zapruda film. this is the second shot at z 236. and we have used the actual zapruda frame, it exactly matches the positions of the bodies. this is not a restructuring photograph in order to make sinmake they moved connelly over to his left. to get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on, missing john connelly and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald in his window in the sixth floor, was at all times to the right rear