".exploring the reason for vaccine hesitancy helps the specific program gain insight into how to proceed in the future..Our study provides the base for re-structuring the community engagement mechanism."
Emergency Operations Centre for Polio Eradication and Immunization (
Bullo, Mehraj, Raza, Rasool, Ansari, Shaikh, Phul, Memon, R.I. Baloch, Chandio); Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, or SZABIST (
Mehraj); United Nations Children s Fund, or UNICEF (
Raza, Chandio); National Stop Transmission of Polio (N-STOP) Program (
Rasool, Phul, Memon); Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (
Shaikh); Expanded Programon Immunization, or EPI (
Z.A. Baloch) Social mobilization is one of the key strategies to enhance community awareness regarding the IPV campaign. In polio-endemic Pakistan, inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is being used to increase population immunity in advance of withdrawal of oral polio vaccine (OPV), to eradicate remaining wild polio virus, and to respond to any outbreaks of vaccine-derived poliovirus. This study analysed the impact of the needle-free device PharmaJet Tropis ID on vaccination status in fractional dose of IPV (fIPV) and full