Through group sessions and home visits, more than 1,600 mothers in Zambia have benefited from the program known as "Strengthening the Capacity of Religious Women in Early Childhood Development" (SCORE-ECD).
Lusaka - Zambia: The Zambia National Educational Coalition (ZANEC) notes with concern how youth and adult literacy education has continued to be the least
In Zambia, regular social cash transfers play a direct role in reducing poverty
More than 616,000 households or 3 million people, representing 20% of the Zambian population, are currently registered to receive Social Cash Transfers
In 2020, the World Bank, UK and Swedish Governments provided financing to the Social Cash Transfer program benefiting 370,000 households in 67 districts
A maximum of 994,000 beneficiaries in 116 districts are expected to be reached with Social Cash Transfers by 2022 with support of the World Bank and cooperating partners
LUSAKA, May 27, 2021 Sylvia Banda, 65, uses the monthly cash transfer she receives from the government to take care of her husband who is disabled, and four orphaned children. Africa Zulu, 70, pays his grandchildren’s school fees to ensure they have a better future. Marcelina Ngandu, a widowed mother of five, invests the cash transfer into her small business.
World Bank : In Zambia, Regular Social Cash Transfers Play a Direct Role in Reducing Poverty
05/27/2021 | 03:44pm EDT
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LUSAKA, May 27, 2021-Sylvia Banda, 65, uses the monthly cash transfer she receives from the government to take care of her husband who is disabled, and four orphaned children. Africa Zulu, 70, pays his grandchildren s school fees to ensure they have a better future. Marcelina Ngandu, a widowed mother of five, invests the cash transfer into her small business. I buy baking flour and make doughnuts for selling, said Ngandu, who is also raising her late sister s five children. From my last bi-monthly payment of K300 ($14), I made doughnuts and sold them for K400 that helps me pay for school fees for the orphaned children I look after. I urge all other widows to not only eat the money but grow it like I do.