Mira Kapoor has shared some beautiful moments with Shahid Kapoor and their kids Misha and Zain from her best friend s wedding in Delhi. Take a look at the pics.
Shahid Kapoor, fresh off his recent starring role in the movie Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, was spotted at the Delhi airport accompanied by his children, Misha and Zain.
Shahid Kapoor showcases his nurturing side in a heartwarming scene captured at the Delhi airport. On February 16, Shahid arrived at the airport accompanied by his adorable children, Zain Kapoor and Misha Kapoor, displaying the essence of a caring father.
Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput and family met the royals during their holiday in Bhutan. Here s what Mira said about their meet with the king and queen of Bhutan. | Bollywood