Zadara Federated Edge: New Public Edge Cloud Lets MSPs Take Their Services Anywhere
‘We have been working with MSPs on Storage as a Service and Compute as a Service. This is the next step. Our MSPs now have 300 cloud platforms around the world. We asked them about a model that would bring them together. The result is the Federated Edge, which becomes the world’s largest public edge cloud,’ says CEO Nelson Nahum. By Joseph F. Kovar April 27, 2021, 09:25 AM EDT
Zadara’s new Federated Edge is aimed at helping MSPs build and participate in a global cloud in which they can work with each other to provide services to customers.
Zadara Announces New Federated Edge Program For MSPs To Enable Global On-Demand Edge Cloud Services And Shared-Revenue Model
Zadara Announces New Federated Edge Program For MSPs To Enable Global On-Demand Edge Cloud Services And Shared-Revenue Model
08:17:11 - 22 April 2021
New MSP Consortium Powered by Zadara Edge Cloud Services Enables Hosting Providers to Create New Revenue Streams, Compete Globally and Risk Nothing
IRVINE, Calif. (BUSINESS WIRE) Zadara, the recognized leader in edge cloud services, today announced the launch of its Federated Edge program, designed to help MSPs win on a global scale. Federated Edge is a consortium of MSPs, powered by Zadara’s Edge Cloud Services, including zCompute and zStorage. Federated Edge introduces a new, fully managed, distributed cloud architecture that unlocks new use cases and revenue models made possible by edge computing without requiring investments in hardware, technology or human capital.