IDinsight [If] they go against the [advice] of the community and try to [cut] their daughter, they will be in big trouble, they may even be brought to justice because in our community there are more people who are for the abandonment of FGC [compared to] people who are against it. -Woman, Ranerou village (CEP), Senegal The flagship programme of the Senegal-based organisation Tostan, the Community Empowerment Program (CEP), is a human-rights-based, holistic, and culturally relevant educational experience designed to empower people to improve their well-being. Building upon an existing body of internal and external evaluations and research studies, in 2019-20, Tostan commissioned an external evaluation partner, IDinsight, to carry out a study in five countries (Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal) to understand social norms, social dynamics, and governance structures three to five years after communities had completed the CEP.