The Washington Post highlighted Rep. Walorski's decision to vote against Trump's impeachment in 2021 and against certifying President Biden's victory in its report on her death.
New evidence gathered by local authorities found that the vehicle carrying Rep. Jackie Walorski crossed the center line before its fatal collision with an oncoming car.
good morning told the review. the 58 republican representative killed when another car hit her his head on. happening around 12:30 on wednesday in elkhart county indiana. 27-year-old zachary potts and 28-year-old emma thompson were also killed in that crash. the sole driver of the other vehicle, 56-year-old edith schmucker pronounced dead on the scene. attributes pouring in from both s parties following the tragic news. todd young remembering his friend and colleague on capitol hill yesterday. jackie was a person of the faith what i really remember about her as she had an amazing sense of humor, high-energy, she knew how to light up a room. immediately people would be happier. our office releasing a statement saying her husband dean was notified his wife was killed adding that she has returned home to be with her lord and savior, jesus christ. please keep her family and your
858-year-old republican representative killed wednesday when another car hit head-on and that happened 12:30 wednesday in elkhart county, indiana when a driver feared into their lane. 27-year-old zachary potts and 28-year-old emma thompson were both aides and also killed in the crash. the sole driver of the other vehicle, 56-year-old edith schmucker was pronounced dead at the scene. tributes from both parties support in following the tragic news. mike braun paid tribute to his friend on the senate floor, listen. i get the tragic news my good friend was tragically killed in a car accident and so, like the ultimate gut punch, one of the first great hoosiers i got to know. she will be missed and our condolences to all of the families. jackie walorski s office
0 by nearly 20 points. and what is remarkable about the outcome is that kansas republicans did everything they possibly could to stack the deck in their favor. for starters, they scheduled the vote during a typically aug of during the general election, in november, because yesterday s primary featured mostly republican candidates running against each other and therefore would presumably attract mostly republican voters. they made the language of the ballot measure so dense and confusing that the normal person would be hard-pressed to deciph ter at first glance what a yes or a no vote even meant. republican groups barraged out misleading text messages that meant it sound like yes would protect a woman s right to choose when in fact, the opposite was true. voter turnout was massive. far from the usual trickle of voters for an august primary in a midterm year. turnout approached presidential election levels. and the votes to defeat the anti-abortion measure didn t just come from the urban