And all i can say is that i admire those who stood up this morning for congress. I want to thank you all very much. My name is Roger Williams. I represent the 25th district of texas in the United States congress and also have coached the republican congressional baseball team. This morning as you know we were attacked by a gunman at our press conference. There will be those who will talk about whats wrong with america but in this case, officer griner and bailey, we saw what is right with america. We saw two people risk their lives to save the lives of others. We saw courage and n. Tin the f death and we saw examples of why americans should be grateful every day for Law Enforcement officers around this country. There could have easily been 25 deaths or more today. I think we had 25 team players and about 15 staff. But officer griner and bailey prevented that and my family and i will be forever grateful. The thin blue line held today. And Law Enforcement officers everywhere should be pro