Matter who you are, in full harmony with my conscience. Its inside story. Welcome to inside story. Im ray suarez. Indiana governor mike pens appeared on this week with george stefanopolous, and was peppered with questions about the law which he insisted was in harmony with the freedom and restoration act tined by parliament. He insisted signing it was the right thing to do, but wouldnt answer a straightforward question, would it be legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians in public accommodation. In declining our invitation to be part of the discussion, the governors staff sent a statement people, religious denominations like the disciples of crist, angies lift and conventions like gen come have publicly announced announced intentions not to expand, spend money or schedule events in indiana. Apple c. E. O. Tim cook, openly gay, and chief of a powerful country called laws like this a bad idea are in an oped in the wopt the washington post. Does it stand up to a cost benefit analy
Intention and possible costs. We have decided to serve up piping hot conversation no matter who you are, in full harmony with my conscience. Its inside story. Welcome to inside story. Im ray suarez. Indiana governor mike pens appeared on this week with george stefanopolous, and was peppered with questions about the law which he insisted was in harmony with the freedom and restoration act tined by parliament. He insisted signing it was the right thing to do but wouldnt answer a straightforward question, would it be legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians in public accommodation. In declining our invitation to be part of the discussion the governors staff sent a Statement People religious denominations like the disciples of crist, angies lift and conventions like gen come have publicly announced announced intentions not to expand spend money or schedule events in indiana. Apple c. E. O. Tim cook, openly gay, and chief of a powerful country called laws like this a bad idea are in
Matter who you are, in full harmony with my conscience. Its inside story. Welcome to inside story. Im ray suarez. Indiana governor mike pens appeared on this week with george stefanopolous, and was peppered with questions about the law which he insisted was in harmony with the freedom and restoration act tined by parliament. He insisted signing it was the right thing to do, but wouldnt answer a straightforward question, would it be legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians in public accommodation. In declining our invitation to be part of the discussion, the governors staff sent a statement people, religious denominations like the disciples of crist, angies lift and conventions like gen come have publicly announced announced intentions not to expand, spend money or schedule events in indiana. Apple c. E. O. Tim cook, openly gay, and chief of a powerful country called laws like this a bad idea are in an oped in the wopt the washington post. Does it stand up to a cost benefit analy
Woodruff a jolt to the mind. Scientists use weak electrical current to boost brain activity and amp up human performance. My tdcs session lasted 20 minutes. All i felt was a little bit of tingling in my scalp. It was like a jolt of caffeine minus the tense feeling. And for several hours afterwards, i felt extremely clear headed. Woodruff and. My mother and i just sang que sera, sera three times. God bless you doris day for giving us such a great theme song. Woodruff the remarkable life of a mother. Nprs scott simon chronicles the lessons of a lifetime on twitter and in his new memoir, unforgettable. Those are some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by it doesnt matter what kind of weather. It doesnt matter what time of day or night. When mother natures done her worst, the only thing that matters to us, is keeping the lights on for you. Were the men and women of the International Brotherhood of electrical workers.
Woodruff a jolt to the mind. Scientists use weak electrical current to boost brain activity and amp up human performance. My tdcs session lasted 20 minutes. All i felt was a little bit of tingling in my scalp. It was like a jolt of caffeine minus the tense feeling. And for several hours afterwards, i felt extremely clear headed. Woodruff and. My mother and i just sang que sera, sera three times. God bless you doris day for giving us such a great theme song. Woodruff the remarkable life of a mother. Nprs scott simon chronicles the lessons of a lifetime on twitter and in his new memoir, unforgettable. Those are some of the stories were covering on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by it doesnt matter what kind of weather. It doesnt matter what time of day or night. When mother natures done her worst, the only thing that matters to us, is keeping the lights on for you. Were the men and women of the International Brotherhood of electrical workers.