Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani has promised equal development for all the 33 districts of the province. DawnNewsTV /File
QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani has promised equal development for all the 33 districts of the province.
Speaking at a public meeting in Washuk town on Monday during his visit to backward districts of southern Balochistan, the chief minister said his government would foil conspiracies by anti-people elements with the help of the masses.
He said the provincial government was utilising all resources for speedy development and prosperity of Balochistan, which was neglected by previous governments.
“Giving top priority to development of backward areas of the province is the main aim of the government, while we are making all-out efforts to eliminate unemployment, provide best health care, promote quality education, especially technical education, and modernising the infrastructure was included in the our plan for bring