Panasonic launches two new series of electrolytic polymer hybrid capacitors
Panasonic has evolved its ZS series of Electrolytic Polymer Hybrid Capacitors into two new series – the ZU and ZSU series.
When developing the ZU types (25~63V.DC at 8~12mΩ), the focus has been set to particularly reducing power dissipation – while the ZSU series (25~63V.DC, Capacitance 120~1000uF) comes with an almost unrivalled capacitance.
“ZU series is able to withstand ripple currents up to 53% better than its predecessor,” says Panasonic’s Yusuke Nagats, “for a diameter of 10 x 12.5mm with 25V.DC we achieve 5 Arms, for the 10 x 16.5mm equivalent 5.8 Arms.”