The blows to power are delivered from the most unexpected directions.
The regime continues to accelerate the destruction of its own system, which it built so reverently. Moreover, it strikes itself from different directions, sometimes, very unexpected. Over time, people from the environment of the usurper will also feel this.
After all, until the authorities change, the situation will only get worse, political observer
Yury Pshennik writes in an article on the Our Opinion website.
Lukashenka does not understand and categorically does not want to accept the fact that the main “destructive center” at the moment is himself and his closest circle. So no matter how many other, mostly imaginary, “subversive centers” are neutralized, the system is still doomed without neutralizing such a main center. At the same time, they can no longer stop, since they have set the task of destroying all the sedition. But today it is already almost everywhere, well, maybe, except for the s
Режим «синих пальцев» накрыла разруха
Разруха, как известно, в головах. И вместо того, чтобы заниматься своими прямыми обязанностями они начиннают петь и проводить всебелорусские собрания - всё, начинается разруха. В романе котов ловили. у нас - людей.
Окончательное решение белорусского вопроса началось. Людей УЖЕ просто на улицах хватают без митингов и пикетов. А люди продолжают с риском для жизни и здоровья ходить в магазины и ездить на работы, зарабатывать деньги, а потом, бац, все деньги на штраф. Как вам такой способ находить деньги на �
Belarus has all the conditions for a change of power.
The events after 9 August 2020 have become a turning point in the modern history of Belarus. They have irrevocably changed the country. It is high time to sum up the first results of these events, the most important ones. How is this year so fundamentally different from the others?
The differences are fundamental. Today we observe many things that we did not see before.
In one phrase, today Belarus has almost everything to continue existing and even to start developing normally after the inevitable resignation of the previous, outmoded authorities.
It is worthwhile to consider this question in details, as the previous government was outmoded both in the distant past and in 2010. What is the difference? However, back then, for example, there were no such clear, more intelligent and effective alternatives. No, there have always been intelligent and forward-thinking people in the opposition, but they missed such organisation an