13/09/2023 - Maciek Hamela transforme son expérience du transport de réfugiés ukrainiens cherchant à se mettre à l'abri en une combinaison de documentaire d'observation et de film interventionniste
13/09/2023 - Polish filmmaker Maciek Hamela turns his experience of driving Ukrainian refugees to safety into a unique combination of observational and interventionist documentary
13/09/2023 - El director polaco Maciek Hamela convierte su experiencia en poner a resguardo a los refugiados ucranianos en una combinación única de documental observacional e intervencionista
Maciek Hamela's In the Rearview documents Ukrainian refugees fleeing their home in the Russia invasion, telling stories of trauma and loss of humanity.
The Cannes Film Festival is spotlighting Polish filmmaker Maciek Hamela’s powerful documentary, In the Rearview, an original account of Ukrainians escaping the war.