to hit the area in over a century. the epicenter in the high atlas mountains near marrakesh is a yunesco world heritage site. equipment and manpower are limited in this region. patients are waiting outside hospitals, and residents are sleeping on the streets, fearing intense aftershocks. more than 700 people are in critical condition. officials believe the death toll will steadily rise. i want to bring in ben wedeman for more on all this. ben, you ve been to the area. set the scene for our viewers, what the topography is like, who lives there, why it s a tourist attraction and how an effarthque of this magnitude is cause so much damage. this earthquake happened just a few minutes after 11:00 p.m. friday evening. from the video we ve seen of cctv for instance, there was a small jolt followed by this massive earthquake. you see buildings just collapse in one cctv video. a block of buildings just falls into the street, sending tens of thousands of people sleeping outside last