Kachin State Land Confiscated by Myanmar Military Crony Taken Back by Local Farmers
Local residents stage a protest against Yuzana Co on April 7. / Kachinnews
By The Irrawaddy 9 April 2021
Local residents in Kachin State’s Hukawng Valley have reportedly taken back land which a crony close to Myanmar’s military confiscated from them some 15 years ago.
Yuzana Co, founded by Htay Myint, a businessman linked to the former junta that ruled Myanmar from 1992-2011, confiscated some 200,000 acres of land in the Hukawng Valley, Hpakant Township, in 2006 and has since grown cassava there commercially. In total, Yuzana Co has confiscated over 300,000 acres of land in the area, including land in Tanai Township.