In December, Southeastern announced the launch of Canvas via email. Canvas has replaced Moodle indefinitely, starting this semester. Students and faculty can access Canvas in three different ways: MyDen Gmail apps Canvas student mobile app With syllabi validation quickly approaching, it is vital students know how to work their way around Canvas. Hunter Waddell, instructor.
On Nov. 17, 2023, “The Ballad of Song Birds and Snakes” premiered in theaters across the country. Fans of “The Hunger Games” trilogy flocked to their nearest theater to watch the prequel fly from the page to the big screen. After an uneventful two and a half hours and a talk with my friends, I.
In Fall 2020, the Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology welcomed a Mechatronics – or Mechanical Electronics – curriculum into the ET degree program. Since then, the program has graduated more than six students within the concentration. Dr. Mohammad Saadeh, department head, explained the undergraduate capstone process is required for all students within the industrial.
In Fall 2020, the Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology welcomed a Mechatronics – or Mechanical Electronics – curriculum into the ET degree program. Since then, the program has graduated more than six students within the concentration. Dr. Mohammad Saadeh, department head, explained the undergraduate capstone process is required for all students within the industrial.
Imposter syndrome, also known as imposter phenomenon, is described as self-doubt of intellect, skills or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals, according to the National Institutes of Health. This phenomenon is common in academic settings and among high achieving individuals, with no exception for Southeastern students. A 2019 study showed around 20% of the students sampled experienced.