Since first being introduced in Dragon Ball Z as the alien responsible for the destruction of the Planet Vegeta and the vast majority of the Saiyan Race, Frieza has been one of the most popular villains created by Akira Toriyama. Recently, the Shonen franchise took the opportunity to create an [.]
Dragon Ball has gone back and forth with Gohan ever since the character made his debut. Though once a small child, Gohan has grown into a powerful fighter who prefers to study at school than fight foes to the death. Of course, this is seen as a shame by fans given how much potential Gohan has yet [.]
The Official Dragon Ball Website might be the premier place to learn more about the Shonen franchise, but it also takes the opportunity to create some interesting interviews, with the latest seeing the site bringing on two scientists, who happen to be Dragon Ball fans, to dive into the series. [.]