ASIALINK Finance Corp. has issued P2 billion worth of fixed-rate three-year corporate notes, its first foray into the capital market, to diversify its funding sources for relending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have little to no access to bank loans.
ONLINE lender Asialink Finance Corp. has secured P1 billion in funding from Yuanta Savings Bank Philippines Inc. and state-owned Small Business Corp. (SB Corp) for lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
ONLINE lending firm Asialink Finance Corp. (Asialink) said it raised P1 billion from two financial institutions, including a government corporation, to boost its relending portfolio to small-scale and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Asialink said it borrowed P600 million from state-owned Small Business Corp. and another P400 million from Yuanta Savings Bank Philippines Inc. Asialink pointed out
MAKATI CITY, 09 April 2022 – To provide Filipino borrowers with ready and immediate access to credit information – the Credit Information Corporation (CIC),