YSRCP chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy unveiled the party manifesto for the upcoming elections, pledging to incrementally raise welfare pensions from Rs 3,000 to Rs 3,500 per month. He also proposed to govern the state from Visakhapatnam, promising to elevate the city as the executive capital once the YSRCP forms the government in 2024. Reddy outlined plans to develop Amaravati as the legislative capital and Kurnool as the judicial capital.
Amaravati: [16:56, 1/28/2022] Ysrcp Party: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has launched Jagananna Palavelluva- AP Amul Project in Anantapur district virtually from his camp office here on Friday (RPT) Friday. The State Government has signed two MoUs with Amul for purchase of Milk for Balamrutham and Anganwadi kids, in the presence of the Chief Minister. Speaking on the