Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court on Saturday ordered the CBI not to arrest the MP Avinash Reddy till the end of May. The vacation bench of the high court passed an interim order in the YS Viveka murder case. The court heard the petition filed by Avinash Reddy seeking anticipatory bail.
HYDERABAD: Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy's anticipatory bail petition hearing in the YS Vivekananda Reddy case was postponed to Thursday The Telangana High Court stated that the hearing will be held at 3.30 pm tomorrow. The High Court stated that the hearing cannot be conducted on the petitions which were not listed for hearing today. The counsel on behalf of YS Avinash Reddy
SC Serious on CBI over investigation delay in YS Viveka murder Case: In the investigation of YS Vivekananda Reddy murder case, the Supreme Court is full serious on the delay by the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) investigation. The court questioned CBI on investigation delay and asked them how long does it take to investigate the case.
The Telangana High Court has directed the CBI not to take any coercive action, including arrest after hearing arguments on the petition filed by Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy in the murder case of former minister YS Vivekananda Reddy. The court has made it clear that these interim orders will remain in force till the judgement is passed. Avinash Reddy has filed a writ petition