yourself. don t give up your power. god created you for more than this. and to hear that and it wasn t a messaging about god. i m a preacher s child. i grew up in church hearing about god. it was the purpose driven message, a message that spoke to worthiness that i had very little of self-worth at the time about what i was to do and what i could do and how i could do other things while still incarcerated had not been spoken to me, brooke, at all. so here she is, you haven t even met her. here s this voice telling you to want to live, to have the will to live. you end up knowing her off and on behind bars between 06 to 2013. and here she is this is the day before she is supposed to be executed on georgia s death row. she is someone who apparently,
says kelly really actually proved to be a positive messenger, a positive person in nicki s life. so, nicki, thank you so much for joining me. thank you for having me, brooke. first let s just set up how the two of you met. i mean, talk about a unique situation. and here you were, you were behind bars. you were incredibly upset from what i understand. and you hear this voice coming at you through a heating vent at this high security female prison. tell me what you heard. well, brooke, i heard something that i definitely had not heard in the time of me being incarcerated. and that was positive messaging. and that was hope. i didn t know it was coming from someone who was under a condemned death state at the time as i was trying to take my own life. but it came from kelly gissendaner, the voice. and the words spoke very clearly to me about don t wish death on
but if you had the opportunity to go to mars, would you take it and what would you do? absolutely, what s critical is we re accumulate iing the knowledge for humans to go to mars. they are going to need these resources. the knowledge of where the water is, how to get access to it, not only provides an opportunity to do the science to really look for life, but also as rachel mentioned, critical to support our human program. how incredible, jim green, congratulations, thank you so much. we ll be covering it here at cnn and rachel crane, thank you as well. to mars we go. coming up, cnn sits down with bill clinton about who he blames for his wife s dip in the polls and why he thinks donald trump could win the republican nomination. fareed zakaria sat down with m him. also why isn t president obama following tradition and staying at the waldorf wis tor ya in new york. don t miss this.
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