<p>By John Harrington
The weekend just passed was another big one for Gaelic Games in Europe with the second ever European Féile competition for U-15 footballers and hurlers taking place in Berlin.
One year one from the inaugural competition which featured four teams, this year’s Féile saw nine teams participate</p>
Kabul, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Information and Culture of Afghanistan reiterated on Monday that the restrictions on women's education in the country are temporary, and that the Government of the Taliban movement are working in this direction.
The content originally appeared on: News Americas Now Black Immigrant Daily News The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday News Jennif .
WINSTON Dookeran expressed regret that his former colleague Jennifer Johnson died without realising her dream for a national commemoration of the 1990 coup attempt and for compensation to be paid to the families of those killed when insurrectionists invaded the Red House, TTT and bombed the old police headquarters on St Vincent Street.