The United Nations
Leaders across the world needs to “move beyond platitudes” about young people, and deliver a better future for them all, Secretary-General António Guterres told the 10th Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum on Wednesday.
“Youth-focused recovery is the right approach … We need the skills, ideas and energy of young people” – couldn’t agree more with the @WHO‘s @DrTedros!
On #WorldHealthDay, let’s reaffirm our commitment to ensure no one is left behind in the #COVID19 pandemic
He described the gathering online as “the UN’s foremost platform” for tackling the many pressing challenges facing young people today, including the impacts of COVID-19, which, among other things, have rendered one-in-eight young people – the majority girls – without access to education. One-in-six are without jobs and mental health problems are rising fast.
At last month’s African Union (AU) summit, members states’ attention was focused on electing the new AU Commission leadership. While that was happening, Aya Chebbi’s term as the AU’s first Youth Envoy quietly came to an end. A successor hasn’t been appointed, and the lack of clarity around the position indicates the challenges the AU Commission must overcome if it’s committed to Africa’s youth agenda.
Fifteen years after adopting the African Youth Charter, the AU needs to lead by example if it wants member states to take these matters seriously. Appointing young leaders isn’t enough. They need institutional support from the AU to effectively promote change, and achieving this requires action in two priority areas.
The AU should set the example on Africa’s youth leadership
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At last month’s African Union (AU) summit, members states’ attention was focused on electing the new AU Commission leadership. While that was happening,
Aya Chebbi’s term as the AU’s first Youth Envoy quietly came to an end. A successor hasn’t been appointed, and the lack of clarity around the position indicates the challenges the AU Commission must overcome if it’s committed to Africa’s youth agenda.