Tension gripped Ankale village of Hukkeri taluk on Wednesday, after a youth was assaulted by a group of people for putting up a red and yellow flag beside the Chhatrapati Shivaji statue in the village. Police bandobast has been done in the village after the incident. The FIR has been registered against five persons in Sankeshwar police station, and police have arrested one of the accused in connection with the attack on the youth. Others have been absconding and police are searching for them. The video of the group attacking a youth has gone viral, making Kannada outfits furious. A couple of days ago, some people removed the red and yellow flag installed at Sangolli Rayanna Circle and also ransacked the board. Since then the issue has been under fire in the village, which escalated on Wednesday. Condemning the attack on Kannada youth, the members of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (KRV), led by Pramod Kooge, staged a protest in Hukkeri town, demanding the exiling of the miscreants. Activists