Molly Pinta, a young student leader from Buffalo Grove, IL, was just awarded the Diversity Scholarship by National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS), a national scholarship organization committe.
LA DJ named 2021 HRC youth ambassador
Nico Craig (Photo Credit: HRC)
CULVER CITY – Ever since middle school, Nico Craig, an 18-year-old Trans Black man, has been involved with LGBTQ+ issues. He created an LGBTQ+ student-led organization at his middle school, which led him to win the American Citizenship Award given out by the Culver City Unified School District. This year he was named as a Youth Ambassador for the Human Rights Campaign
The ambassador’s serve two-year terms, and the Blade interviewed Craig this past week who is currently in the process of commencing his term in 2021 as a youth ambassador.