as much damage as this administration has done to the united states of america. look at our number one opponent because i don t know if he is going to be number two very long because is he heading south very rapidly. jesse: donald trump sharpening his strategy. instead of getting into the weeds about the 2020 election, is he drilling down on the people we know are guilty. they helped with the elections. think of it, the fbi colluded with facebook and with twitter. think of it. the fbi colluded with facebook and twitter. that s like stuffing the ballot box. jesse: that right there is the key to the corruption in 2020. nobody can dispute that big tech conspired with the deep state. the deep 6, the laptop, and censor free press. that s how trump should be talking about election rigging. now, last night we showed you desantis drop a decent line that s going to take two terms to clean up biden s mess. a clear shot at trump who is only entitled to one more. well, the former p