Defence minister Rajnath Singh inaugurates the advanced Hypersonic Wind Tunnel test facility in Hyderabad AIR Pics Defence minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the advanced Hypersonic Wind Tunnel test facility in Hyderabad last evening. The state-of-the-art facility is pressure vaccum driven enclosed free jet facility with nozzle exit of one-meter diameter.
According to a defence release, this will simulate Mach 5 to 12. Mach represent the multiplication factor to the speed of sound, making India the third country after the US and Russia to have such a facility. With this India has become the third country to have such a huge facility in size and capability after America and Russia. The project is an indigenous development and an outcome of synergistic partnership with Indian industries. Defence Minister visited Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex of the Defence Research Development Organisation during his two day visit to Hyderabad and asked the