“Suspicious Partner” is a twisted legal series that is laced with comedy and romance. It became one of the most watched series during its release, thanks to Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun’s chemistry.
#SuspiciousPartner #JiChangWook #NamJiHyun #KwonNara #ChoiTaeJoon
Choi Sooyoung is back on her daily dose of updates on Instagram. The SNSD member wows many as she flaunts her transformation. Want to see her new look? Then keep reading the article!
#ChoiSooyoung #GirlsGeneration #GirlsGenerationSooyoung #SNSD #SNSDSooyoung
In "If You Wish Upon Me" episode 16, Yoon Gyeo Rye (Ji Chang Wook) asked about Kang Tae Sik's (Sung Dong Il) last wish. But he was surprised by the sudden twist made by Team Genie.
#IfYouWishUponMe #IfYouWishUponMeEpisode16 #SungDongIl #JiChangWook
"Run On" stars Im Siwan, Shin Se Kyung, Choi Sooyoung, and Kang Tae Oh are individually in demand these days. As you continue to read the article you can find the various projects that these talented cast members are about to be part of.
#RunOn #RunOnCastUpdate2022 #imSiwan #ShinSeKyung #ChoiSooyoung #KangTaeOh