greg: terrorists, i think this is a good idea and i took. tyrus: you do? greg: i took my nephew aside and lectured him on what not to do in social media. tyrus: yeah, you got to. parents need to do something. the student depend on indian lore learning to shoot a bow and arrow. tyrus: walter, you ve been locked in a closet for the last liberals for the last month but my name is tyrus and you are walter. me tyrus, you walter. greg, ask me question, i then answer. we are only a 40 minute show. [laughter] write it in a book, i ll read it. you know i will. you are on every week, tyrus,
the guy knew everything. that s how he ran the campaign. it was a mom and pop operation without a mom. he knew absolutely everything that was going on. but, if you just look at the history of it, it is true, walter, that we can go back to 2010, tea party comes in, in essence re-elects by overreaching re-elects barack obama in 2012, we all got elected in 94, overreached, got bill clinton re-elected in 1996. this happens all the time. and there is no doubt for donald trump s re-election, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house is much better than a republican because right now he s blaming the democrats for not being able to build the wall. republicans are in charge. you know, he would swing this is why he goes and meets with north koreans. begs the iranians to meet with
hearing before the judge, thank goodness this judge in san diego is keeping the administration s feet to the fire, is to, for them to say well we did it, we accomplished what we needed to do in your time frame and yet there are 7/eleven or so of these children who are deemed ineligible to be reunited. really what constitutes ineligibility to reuniting these traumatized children with their parents. walter? i want to raise this to a larger issue because when you said trump was willing to accept a bipartisan bill and maybe calm down the immigration thing, and he reverses himself, he does so because he s so infected the republican party with an anti-immigrant sentiment that he got backlash from republicans. do you see any way that you and the senate which is supposed to be the deliberative body could be working with republicans and maybe could spill over to the house to sort of say we can
oh, my lord, no hate in your heart. you re reduced to dust. that said that s shocking i m looking past a guy that worked for him. i m looking at you walter. how shock that ted cruz is to donald trump after donald trump accused his father of being a part of the assassination of jfk and suggested that ted cruz s wife was ugly. the obsequitous of republican leaders to donald trump is something history will be baffled about. you go up and down the line. as you said earlier in the show there were times as a republican you had to stand up to a republican president, whatever. the fact that nobody will stand up to him shows that they care more about their primary than they do the example you bring up with ted cruz, it s taken to the lowest level. he wrote the piece in time
actually occurred. so by the way donald trump may not care about what the facts are. he may be in the white house that talks about an alternate version of facts. 91% of republicans may be the same way. bob mueller cares about facts and so do the judges deciding these cases. meanwhile, walter, you have rudy who is not just clearly is going rogue on the white house press office and just calling up his mega phone to make an announcement on fox news, not to be grilled in anyway or given a tough question in anyway, allowed to make announcements and then change those announcements and then devalue the truth, transform the truth, change the facts, bring in more alternative facts what ever you want to do, whatever he chooses. what s the point of the press briefing at this point? the white house press briefing where reporters wait every day to try to understand what s