stolen youth kara. thanks so much for joining me kara i want to go if you first because it seem like it is this typical back and forth antigun what do you think needs to happen because you know you re involved in politics but you res also a mom so what s your solution to this? well, first of all security of schools has to be a par mount national priority. locking doors making sure nobody can get in all of that has to take absolute priority right now that is an easy solution that we should have done a long time ago makes no sense that office build vaccination tight security and schools do not. second there s in band-aid solution. there s no magic law that will stop shootings anyone who says there is is lying democrats have house and senate until recently and didn t take any action on that magic law they re now proposing and, of course, we need to find common ground and not just after shootings. we have to find common values leak we used to have that wall
stolen youth kara. thanks so much for joining me kara i want to go if you first because it seem like it is this typical back and forth antigun what do you think needs to happen because you know you re involved in politics but you res also a mom so what s your solution to this? well, first of all security of schools has to be a par mount national priority. locking doors making sure nobody can get in all of that has to take absolute priority right now that is an easy solution that we should have done a long time ago makes no sense that office build vaccination tight security and schools do not. second there s in band-aid solution. there s no magic law that will stop shootings anyone who says there is is lying democrats have house and senate until recently and didn t take any action on that magic law they re now proposing and, of course, we need to find common ground and not just after shootings. we have to find common values leak we used to have that wall
stolen youth kara. thanks so much for joining me kara i want to go if you first because it seem like it is this typical back and forth antigun what do you think needs to happen because you know you re involved in politics but you res also a mom so what s your solution to this? well, first of all security of schools has to be a par mount national priority. locking doors making sure nobody can get in all of that has to take absolute priority right now that is an easy solution that we should have done a long time ago makes no sense that office build vaccination tight security and schools do not. second there s in band-aid solution. there s no magic law that will stop shootings anyone who says there is is lying democrats have house and senate until recently and didn t take any action on that magic law they re now proposing and, of course, we need to find common ground and not just after shootings. we have to find common values leak we used to have that wall
bring a home on the side of the deadly rampage starting 11:00 a.m. wednesday when police say the gunman shot and killed his first victim, a woman in her 30s. about five hours later, the suspect returned to th een fiene and opened fire on a reporter and cameraman covering the story. and ahe then went to a nearby n and shot and killed a little girl. while wounding her mother. w law enforcement furious over why this gang member with a rapa sheet a mile long was out on the streets and able to dospe this. our criminal justice system needs to be changed. here sds to be a adult now.he but when he was a juvenile, committed several crimes and he really has not been held accountable. so what this has done, it ss ha embolden him and other juveniles and young adults. hey, if you res arresteand rese
the people here. we have not raised the tax on anybody making less than four hundred thousand bucks a year. than 400 one i wish i was making for you for making 400 grand and not a single penny. i mean, nonot a single penny republican wins. inflation is going to get wors eworse. . simple,it s joe biden t, your policies are disproportionately negatively impacting not only the poor, the middle class people on fixed incomes, it is disproportionately impacting, according to polls, minority communities in this country. and on top of that, you res. right, not one penny, seven thousand two hundred dollars on average per household because of your inflation. and of course, this is why democrats are so desperate to distract from all of this.t from this is why so many are hidingof in their basement bunkers, not answering any questions from the very compliant media mob. inthey re trying to make the midterm races about anrrything and anything othe than the democrats. and biden s never endingthe self