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father o brien who used to throw me out of class for talking would let me back in if i would sing an irish song. [laughter] they were nurturing me, i didn t realize that, but teachers to me, and i was raised by the benedictine nuns and priests and i owe them so much, i owe them so much and teachers throughout my life, you know,here are so many people that you meet in life, who become your teacher. and i never forget that ever. mike: we ll never forget you, florence henderson you re a delightful person to be around and i m glad i had a chance to thank you, governor huckabee, i m a fan of yours. mike: i need all i can get. pass it on. why don t you run again? because we need somebody out there that i might have a shot if florence henderson might be the running mate. you ren, i m in. mike: that would be the deal. [applause]. god bless you. mike: i appreciate it, so very much.