and sometimes these symptoms can be long term. so you reall brainhat leady youe physically, medically, mentally and emotionally fit in order ort to serve your constituents. and sadly, we re notrve your seg that right now. yeah, and senator senator , you everybody wishes the best of health. dr. siegel, i mean, nobody wants to see somebody suffering like that, but here he is .th dc to showing up at 8:00 at the senate podium. i mean, i don t know how in howi the world they allown the standards of the senate to devolve into this. and into i think even if you have. some complications with your healthink even, you can t put ot and tie. if you can t, you put on the coat and tie. i don t know what you re doing, representing there in the united states senate. now, dr. moynihan is the housesa physician. , he wasas iten congress my physician. i was very companies trained in the united states navy. it begs the question, though, st. siegel, how do you do these
Philadelphia singer/songwriter Greg Mendez's self-titled fourth album is an empathetic, painful and brilliant plunge into memories of drug use, heartbreak, childhood trauma and houselessness.