members. here is the canadian prime minister, his response. i said very simply that it is not something we are even remotely interested in looking at at this time to have russia return to the g7. and here is what is even more striking. russia was kicked out after it went into ukraine and annexed crimea. and the very same day the president of the united states says they should be allowed back in, his director of national intelligence in a speech in europe says this, as russia is still meddling in the united states election, still meddling around the world doing things outside of the norms, these russian actions are purposeful and premeditated. and they represent an all out assault by vladimir putin on the rule of law. western ideals and democratic norms. you putin s actions glon straight that he seeks to sow divisions within and between those in the midwest who adhere to democratic norms.
you putin is decisive, quick thinking, rules for as longs and he wants, tough on the gays and an next annexes countries at will. maybe he ll capture the american heartland by barge storming through iowa shirtless on a horse. she challenge all of his primary opponents to wrestling matches. it would be a great televised fundraiser. putin is so manly, i makes john wayne look like screech. when the question is whether or not we should invade a nation that has not attacked us, i like a leader who knows humans don t have a brain in their gut.
get a hold of those weapons, they can be used as on a massiv scale. russia is one of assad s strongest allies and now putin is speaking out on military action in syria. jim maceda is live in turkey. what did we hear from putin and what are the possible implications? reporter: good morning. well, these comments from president you putin made in an interview with the associated press could be a potential break through in the obama administration s efforts to get that international legal backing for punitive strikes against syria. putin s never said this before, he s never been on the record that russia would consider, not vetoing as he s done three times before, but actually voting for u.n. resolution that would back military strikes against syria. russia s only ally we must say in the middle east. but only if he could be swayed he said by concrete proof that assad s forces actually used