i suspect the house of representatives would not act even if someone is subject to impeachment because of the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors. april ryan, house republicans managed to find new levels of hysteria when talking about hillary clinton or president obama. well, you know, president obama was the subject or the target of a possible republican impeachment because, let s clear it up, because he allegedly had more executive orders than any other president. that was not true. and we understood that if that were to happen it would totally disenfranchise the republican party and it would cause such division in washington. so they decided not to do it. and how are you going to impeach a person who hasn t even had a chance to get in office? you know, you have to give her something. she has to give you something so you can in turn impeach herb. it really makes no sense at this point. i understand that they re upset. at least wait a while to see what she does if you want
house republicans i know would tell you right now dysfunctional there. but, no, no, we ve congress has always held in low regard. but, you know, we re at probably a peak period right now. steve kornacki spoke to mo brooks today about this impeachment idea that he has for the next president clinton, if we have one. let s listen to that. if she is elected president next year, do you anticipate republicans wouldn t take steps to impeach her as soon as she takes office? probably the answer is no. in as much as the president of the united states barack obama has also knowingly violated many laws, particularly with respect to immigration but you can name a number of others. and there have been no impeachment proceedings initiated against barack obama, nor has there been any kind of trial or conviction proceedings in the united states senate. so i would anticipate, keeping in mind the filing of articles of impeachment while as a legal process it is also a political process.
predicted a trump dispags, you know, those prediction were premature. he s holding, maybe growing a little president i think donald trump s support at this level is a placeholder or proxy for the tea party, plus an increment for entertainment. that s probably not a keeling in the mid high t20s. he s going tv to carve out support from somebody else and that s going to require the field to collapse and get some other candidates out of the race and vie for other candidate support that s going have to drop out eventually. charlie cook, your reading of the polls on the republican side first. i think that s absolutely right. and my colleague at national journal ron brownstein had a good piece out today saying that what trump has done is basically consolidated the blue collar republican vote. the noncollege educated republican vote, while the other is split all over the rest of the field. and i think that s i think ron nailed it on that. and carson has got a little
right. sure. although there are those who argue that of course it came out right before ronald reagan was elected president and served the idea alliances secretly conservative. there s not. and my belief is that the force was a perfect without the force, star wars never would have taken off. the force, this literal religious literally that phrase, that term? no, the whole idea that it s this spiritual power that you can somehow have, it was religious but not christian. it was new age. the new age thing. very new age. started in 1977. that s why it has been successful. plus the special effects. what s your explanation for the giganticism of it all and the culture? i think not to draw too much attention to my own generation but i think kurt is right we came up with this period where star wars just existed. it was, you know, an a priority thing. the idea that it s being managed
fruit punch splashing tough guy feminist cross-country prankster art road trip in a converted donald trump campaign bus that in the world by a million miles. that does it for us tonight. good evening, lawrence. rachel, you know, in just a few minutes there might be a new best new thing in the world that you might want to stick around for. it s very important to you. i know it is. the star wars trailer is coming up tonight. we re going to show it right here on this show. my inner ewok is already there. i know how important it is to you. thank you, lawrence. stay right by your tv. okay. you do not want to miss this. bye. we also have more on the chaos in the house of representatives which took another turn today with one republican member of the house saying that if hillary clinton is elected president, then they are ready to impeach her on the first day.