at one point. lots of punches and you see police down there in the middle they had to jump in to stop the violence using batons. so for we are not heard of injuries police had to form a line in between the groups to keep them apart they are parents and also requested the school board recess until than i get violence under control you see that line they are making. police finally did get the people to go home. and there were some wearing the leave our kids, lone shirts a guest last night pulled daughter out of west hollywood school 4 and 5 year old children inviteed a pride assembly. parents signed protesting it the school would not responded to the parent s occurrence. interesting in brawl hours after los angelesuneified school unanimously approved a resolution encouraging all schools to incorporate lbgtq+ class concepts part of curriculum. we know many parents are not happy about it. sthment second may be third fight in the past 10 days in schools in and around the los angel
we wanted to know, now is yourrp security detail going to stop ro with their high powered rifles to protect you ? office a response from his office. quote, we don t comment on matters related to th e primeto kee minister s security. so in other words, the people in power get to keepguns the gu the people lose theirs in this country, unlike canada, we have a second amendment. you d like to think that and would be protected with your second amendment from your guns and be able to have a gun politician who wantyour cl to suspend your civil liberties. well, you have a second amendment that wouldn t be ablht to do it. bil but as justice scalia famouslytw said , the bill of rights is just words on a papert protei without the government that really kills it but cares about ng ghtsprotecting your rights, you lose your rights. and that s what s happening right now. j ay ithis week, jay inslee, the governor of washington, still signed a law banningg semiautomatic rifles, which he calle
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