First Put Chip Pads Back on. Happy Monday, Everyone. Monday all right. Over the Weekend, Donald HeuMp held a rally in butleryone pennsylvania, the site of the first assassination atteMpt. Ldallyn he spoke froM behind a p Made of plexiglass, the saMe Materialt. Ke fro they used to b nancy pelosi. Not to be outdone, KaMala Harris Will join The VieW Where the Secret Service Will have Harpoon Guns in case the cast gets hungry. Youre booing. Get hiM out of here. On tuesday, hoWard Stern Onll IntervieW KaMala Harris. Shes Well prepared, having Worked for years under a different Ma tn. Ill. Ill take it. After a seven Monthke it. Investigation, a large shipMent of Elephant Tranquilizer has been seized on long island. No W, hoW Will i sleep . Asks one WoMan. I thought that Was going My Way. A Frontier Jet caught fire during a hard landing at the las vegas airport. The coMpany quickly responded by Announcina Tg theyre back. The sMoking section. In a rare Solo IntervieW earlier tonight, KaMala Ha
should be a supporting a supporting act is stealingth the limelight or is doing the job better than the personh who was born to do this, that upsets people. it shifts the balance. laura , this is why a conservative mp in parliamenti is about to forward a bill that. will remove their titles. if you hate it so much, why you? cling to the title. you know, that there s married a guichael of japan. she married a guy, lefy,te roya the royal life. she s an intern at off the metropolitan museum of art history. yeah, living a quiet life. wh y can t these two have the same dignity? ecause because how else are h they goim to make money? i mean, it s notake she s not going to make it on her acting and he s not going to make itt n on his, you knowa , bravado. i don t think without a title. they need those titles. is time laura , it s time for our annual real versus fake tree debate. now, i ve recounted the dangersa of real trees for years. n arti yofiu know, i m an artificial tree ally, laura .li r