you are prepared. a metre reading and make sure that you are prepared- a metre reading and make sure that you are prepared. another question, if i can, you are prepared. another question, if i can. with you are prepared. another question, if i can. with you you are prepared. another question, if i can, with you justina, you are prepared. another question, if i can, with you justina, someone l if i can, with you justina, someone from gr, i am with avril and they took my direct debit yesterday, why? what it is likely the banks have not been what it is likely the banks have not been updated. it isjust happening. asm been updated. it isjust happening. asm that been updated. it isjust happening. as. that money is not going to go anywhere as. that money is not going to go anywhere it as. that money is not going to go anywhere. it will go on your credit. it anywhere. it will go on your credit. it should anywhere. it will go on your credit. it should he anywhere. it will go
is worth up to £125. that is per aduu is worth up to £125. that is per adult who has been working from home to cover the extra costs, not per household. that could make a difference. other than that, household. that could make a difference. otherthan that, if you ve got energy debts, look on the systems advice website. it is possible you could apply for a grant to cover those, but there will be huge demand. so many families, working families, are going to be struggling to pay those bills. they will not be able to make ends meet. thank you for that. justina, a question from kay, who is very generously thinking of others. she says i am moving house next week and have been unable to contact avril to inform them, one of the companies have ceased, and i ve taken metre readings but cannot upload any statements. if i cancel my direct debit, with the new owners i have still had power after we have left? what do i do? i still had power after we have left? what do i do? still had power after