For the rest of his career. But at Least Myjudgment was right. Very down to earth, very straightforward, very grounded, a wonderful marriage, lovely family. Part of him couldnt believe what what had happened to him. And the other half enjoyed it. And but he never lost sight of his roots, which were pretty well delineated by him on many programmes. Live now to Gloria Hunniford, presenter of Rip Off Britain on bbc one, as well as a myriad of other programmes through the years. Gloria, you knew Michael Parkinson for many of those years. What are your thoughts right now . My thoughts toda are your thoughts right now . My thoughts today are just your thoughts right now . My thoughts today are just sadness, your thoughts right now . My thoughts today are just sadness, because your thoughts right now . My thoughts today are just sadness, because in your thoughts right now . My thoughts today are just sadness, because in a l today are just sadness, because in a weird, naive way, i thought mich
the day is the day for celebration, it is the day for is the day for celebration, it is the day for seeing family. we have had students today who have been crying had students today who have been crying on had students today who have been crying on the phone to their parents crying on the phone to their parents. 0ne mum was screaming down the phone parents. 0ne mum was screaming down the phone to parents. 0ne mum was screaming down the phone to her daughter. it was wonderful the phone to her daughter. it was wonderful to see. the reality of it is students, young people, who need to have is students, young people, who need to have the is students, young people, who need to have the recognition they deserve to have the recognition they deserve. , . , to have the recognition they deserve. , , , ., deserve. very briefly, for you it must be a deserve. very briefly, for you it must be a relief deserve. very briefly, for you it must be a relief to deserve. very briefl
three brothers who were murdered by the nazis. those in power in the kremlin started this war. this is not the russian people s war. because of its brutality, russia is now isolated from the society of nations. you are also not being told truth about the consequences of this war on russia itself. i regret to tell you that thousands of russian soldiers that have been killed fighting for their homeland and the russian leadership fighting for conquest. this is not the war to defend russia that your grandfathers and great grandfathers fought. your lives, yo you futures are being risked my a senseless war.