something that they don t like, instead of saying, you know what? agree to disagree. e and lelive and let live in the traditional liberalist kind of way. noe tradit, that s not good eno. they will do all that they can to destroy you. silence you, smear you, workh bi with big tech, work, with corporate media, to actively destroy anyone who dares to even question their agenda. gainst freed they are against freedom of religion. om ofreligithey are hostile towe of faith, people who have theirt own spiritual practice, especially christians, finding ual pewayscially to be vindictio discriminate, to punish peoplers who happen to exercise that freedom of religion. the liste that goes on and on , but the foundation of freedom is really what was a t the heart of my making this decision that i cannot be a member of a partyd that is against freedom and actively trying to undermine it. well, it was inspiring tolsoa hear that, but also disappointing. i mean, i feelpp you likinting g out your words