over the years, a number of well-known conspiracy theories have flourished. who pulled the trigger? were the russians behind it? but there s one theory you may want know about. the belief that the president and his son who died in plane crash in 1999 are alive and in hiding. there are those who absolutely believe this. they formed a group which some are calling a cult and are led by a qanon believer. this group holds so much influence, some have abandoned their spouse, parents, grandchildren. for the past year, cnn has been investigating what s behind this conspiracy. over the next we re, we go across the country to meet the believers, confront their leader and spend time with the confused, frustrated, helpless families who just want their loved ones to come home. word on the street is that junior, jfk junior, will show up and introduce his parents. you re expecting jfk junior? any minute now, the big reveal. then after that probably be the vice president for trum
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