a law enforcement official now says sweat and matt had been gathering their own clues for almost a year from conversations with guards at clinton about hunting cabins and fields in the area. jeff dumas is a former corrections officer at clinton. they gathered information. they had a pretty good layout of the surrounding areas of hunting camps, what could be in them as far as maps knives weapons that are left there. reporter: jeff dumas says a lot of corrections officers at clinton have hunting cabins in that area and they often talk out loud about the cabins the supplies they need. and he says inmates listen to every word. now, according to a law enforcement official guards at clinton are being questioned by investigators about the friendly conversations they ve had with inmates. the two escapees and others. brian todd, cnn, washington. you are watching cnn newsroom. the deadly attack at a tunisian beach resort caught on camera.
this is two hours east of seattle. the cause of the fire is still unknown at this point. but temperatures have been high and rainfall has been scant. i ve covered fires there, and when they get started it s hard to stop them. you and i used to live and work in that part of the world. when these fires happen it s a big deal because homes are in danger. yeah. especially this part of washington on the eastern side of the cascade mountain ragenge. the ember was kicked up into the air, went down into the city and a cardboard recycling center went up into flames. a worst-case scenario paper and cardboard and a lot of flames. a lot of people impacted. i want to show you the graphic. it shows you what we re touching on when it comes to the dry pocket on the eastern side of washington. and look at this bone dry, 25%
humidity. you cross washington generally into the 50% percentile. the forecast for went achy is in the 90s. it will be blustery zero percent of rain. and the heat continues for really much of the big cities around the northwestern u.s. with temps into the 90s. back over portions of europe extreme heat also in place. southerly flow, so we re getting the heat right out of africa. madrid we have the hottest temperature ever observed in may. that s 100 fahrenheit. on monday we reached 104 farn fahrenheit in madrid. these temperatures get up to 39 degrees celsius, again, which is about 103 degrees fahrenheit. that would be the single hottest