something that crosses a legal line as well as an ethical line. it s clearly unethical. and the influence peddling. if you are working with a company in washington you do it as a lobbyist and they call you as a lobbyist or try to call the white house sources. they don t give the president s hit man or lawyer or fixer $500,000. that s a hell of a lot of mean. money i can read this statement. what one republican strategy uft describes as cohen sales pitch. telling people i don t know who you should be representing pu many i m the guy who should represent you. i m his guy. i m the president s person lawyer. not a lot of ambiguity there kirsten what david a said is right if you re an american company you are trying to get access to donald trump when he came into office a lot of people panicked because you couldn t go to the regular k street lobbyist and have access. he didn t have a lot of people and michael cohen would have
what one republican strategy uft describes as cohen sales pitch. telling people i don t know who you should be representing pu many i m the guy who should represent you. i m his guy. i m the president s person lawyer. not a lot of ambiguity there kirsten what david a said is right if you re an american company you are trying to get access to donald trump when he came into office a lot of people panicked because you couldn t go to the regular k street lobbyist and have access. he didn t have a lot of people and michael cohen would have been one of them this is unfortunately how washington works. i m not endorsing this. but he would need to register as a lobbyist. if he is just giving advice and not arranging meetings. he doesn t need to register. if for the money that suggests they want more than just what is donald trump like and probably wanted some access to the white house. if he arrange meetings he needs to be registered. so i think that yeah it s