employees and say when this is all said and done, they will find out exactly what happened with this accelerator problem in toyota vehicles. buts very jesica, you cannet beth that somebody else may just find out something different and they will end up battling it out in court. absolutely. thank you, ted, for that report. well, unlike mr. i do yesterday dark ray la hood is not a brand name. he is the secretary of transportation and today, he, too, was on the hot seat for what the safety watchdogs in his department did and perhaps did not do about the toyota problem. more on that angle from joe johns. reporter: toyota is on the hot seat this week in washington but it s nhtsa, the national highway traffic safety administration, the feds who were supposed to be looking out for motorists who are taking a real beating here, accused of missing multiple warning since and getting caught completely by surprise when the story blew up in their faces last year. joan claybrook used to run nht